Your Martian Notifier and Android was successfully paired, but it disconnects after a while even when both watch and Android phone are within Bluetooth range.
- Was your Notifier paired through the Martian app, or directly through Bluetooth?
If it was paired through Bluetooth, please forget the connection, restore the watch, and pair your Notifier through the Martian app.
- Do you have Power Saving mode turned on?
Please go into your Android app settings, and check if you have Power Saving mode turned on. By having this turned on, your Android phone automatically closes any idle connection after a period of time, hence disconnecting your Notifier from your phone. Please ensure that you have allow the Martian app to remain running in the background.
- Do you have more than 1 Bluetooth device paired and connected at the same time?
Each Android device has a limit to the number of paired devices. It is ideally that you have only 1 paired device at a time, especially if they have similar functions. Try forgetting the connections of your devices, only leaving your Notifier turned on, and see if that improves the connection.